Game Design Snacks Wikia

Scores in games help to evaluate players based on what the creator thinks is important in the game. This is like sending a message to the player. This means that player should be able to understand which actions are desirable through higher scores and vice versa. They also come in handy when a player wants to compare its own performance at different times or its performance with respect to others. Thus, game scores should be meaningful for the player and scoring which frustrates the players should be avoided.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

StarCraft II

This is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. A few players are confused by a very small scoring misunderstanding. They expect that average unspent resources should count against player score. A player could have higher resource collection rate and higher working count, both of which would be better, but still lose in total resource score if unspent resource is higher. Differences in understanding this scoring mechanism and ending up with different player score than expected should be avoided as it might agonize the player.
