Game Design Snacks Wikia

Game gives wrong instructions to the player.

If a game gives the wrong instructions to the player it can leave them feeling confused or unsatisfied. If a game is confused about where a player is and starts telling them to go left instead of right. Or maybe the instructions for how to take out the enemy forces are incorrect. 


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed[]


When the player gets to the scene where they get to bring down the Start Destroyer the game gives them the wrong instructions. Following the onscreen hints about where to move the ship leads it to the wrong spot. The player actually has to go against the instinct to do what the game says they need to do and move it more to the right a good ways. Only then can it be brought down. This leads to frustration, hatred and eventually the dark side. 

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim[]

Reunification of Skyrim 1

Skyrim is a complex and deep game with many quests, in many of the more complicated quest lines such as reunification of Skyrim. The player is given instructions on what action to preform. Often times the quest information is missing non-specific or wrong, allowing player to flounder wondering what they are supposed to do.

