Game Design Snacks Wikia

Give player a skill or a new verb to play with is not always good for the game, especially the relationship between the new verb and other parts of the game are weak. Some new skills are only used to certain condition in games, and certain condition can only be solved by these skills, that makes part of the game feel independent from other. When develop a new verb, designer should try to make it connect with as much other verbs and objects in the game as possible.


Example: Batman : Arkham Asylum In Batman : Arkham Asylum, players can get a decoder that used to hack and break electronic devices, but it is only used to open door or defuse bomb, and it is completely useless in fighting and sneaking around, which is the main parts of these game. So when using decoder to hack a door, I always feel somehow disconnected. If game allowed player to use decoder to help player sneak around by shut down light or something, it would sure feel more useful.
