Game Design Snacks Wikia

Making the players character stand out is good feature that most mobas use. This is good because most of these games involve a lot of team fights where there are a lot of bodies in one place filling the screen. These games emphasize player positioning so, knowing exactly where you are is very important. If you are in the wrong place during a team fight you will probably die. Developers will over lap multiple effects on the players position to make it easier to see where exactly you are.

Example: Heroes of the Storm


Heroes of the storm is a good example of a game that likes to highlight where the character is. In heroes they throw a lot of visual cues at the player to help them find where they are on the screen. In this picture the player knows where they are because not only do they have a spot light with their teams color shining on them but they also have their health bar with their name on it floating above their head. If the player ever loses where they are all they have to do is look for the health bar with their name on it.

Example: Diablo 3[]

In Diablo 3, there can be many enemies on screen at once, this combined with up to 4 players sharing a screen and lead to confusion and momentary lose of ones character. But the developers have tried to combat this with unique effects on players weapons, armor, and abilities. They have also added color and effects above and below the characters, all in an attempt to keep the player visible in the chaos.

Diablo-3 konsole02